Module 4 — City Performance Indicators and Methods of Assessment
Lesson 7 of 13
Examples from Global Cities

atlas map of the world, with signposts highlighting locations for Boston, Buenos Aires, and Taipei
Examples from Boston, Buenos Aires and Taipei

Following a standardized methodology to collect and report on 100 service performance and quality of life indicators in cities, data on a number of cities are available on the Open Data Portal of the World Council on City Data (WCCD)

The following examples from global cities have been sourced from WCCD’s data portal and include: Boston, Buenos Aires and Taipei. Make sure to go through all three examples by clicking through the tabs. 

Environmental indicators in Boston, Massachusetts, United States.

  • 8.1 Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) concentration (core): 6.7 µg/m3 (2015)
  • 8.2 Particulate matter (PM10) concentration (core): 12.7 µg/m3 (2015)
  • 8.3 Greenhouse gas emissions measured in tonnes per capita (core): 9.61 t/capital (2014)
  • 8.4 NO2 (nitrogen dioxide) concentration (supporting): 30.48 µg/m3 (2015)
  • 8.5 SO2 (sulphur dioxide) concentration (supporting): 1.74 µg/m3 (2015)
  • 8.6 O3 (ozone) concentration (supporting): 43.61 µg/m3 (2015)
  • 8.7 Noise pollution (supporting): 14.31% (2014)
  • 8.8 Percentage change in number of native species (supporting): 0% (2016)
environmental indicators for Boston from 2016
Environmental indicators for the city of Boston (2016).

Solid waste indicators in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • 16.1 Percentage of city population with regular solid waste collection (residential) (core): 98% (2006)
  • 16.2 Total collected municipal solid waste per capita (core): 0.52 t/capita (2010)
  • 16.3 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is recycled (core): 4.9% (2010)
  • 16.4 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is disposed of in a sanitary landfill (supporting): 94.99% (2010)
  • 16.5 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is disposed of in an incinerator (supporting): 0% (2014)
  • 16.6 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is burned openly (supporting): 0% (2014)
  • 16.7 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is disposed of in an open dump (supporting): 0% (2014)
  • 16.8 Percentage of the city’s solid waste that is disposed of by other means (supporting): 5% (2014)
transportation indicators for Cape Town from 2016
Solid waste indicators for the city of Buenos Aires (2015).

Water and sanitation indicators in Taipei, Taiwan.

  • 21.1 Percentage of city population with potable water supply service (core): 99.76% (2016)
  • 21.2 Percentage of city population with sustainable access to an improved water source (core): 99.99% (2016)
  • 21.3 Percentage of population with access to improved sanitation (core): 100% (2015)
  • 21.4 Total domestic water consumption per capita (litres/day) (core): 200 L/d/capita (2016)
  • 21.5 Total water consumption per capita (litres/day) (supporting): 335 L/d/capita
  • 21.6 Average annual hours of water service interruptions per household (supporting): 6.3 hrs/yr/household (2016)
  • 21.7 Percentage of water loss (unaccounted for water) (supporting): 14.95% (2016)
Water and sanitation indicators for the city of Taipei (2017).