12c. Final Thoughts

What makes for an effective peace movement?

As you think about the movements examined in the course, which features of a movement make it effective, successful, or even just memorable and worthy of attention? Here are some points you might consider; think about which peace movements have these characteristics:

  • a strong leader
  • mass mobilization
  • unique tactics
  • a memorable symbol
  • passion/anger/enthusiasm
  • commitment to nonviolence
  • long-lasting
  • sound philosophy/ideology
  • clear aims/goals
  • shared outrage over the conflict
  • research and education
  • principles and values
  • inclusiveness

What other factors contribute to a peace movement’s success, do you think?

And how might we measure success when thinking about outcomes? Do the kind of peace movements we have explored contribute to the end of a particular conflict? I think we can clearly say yes in most cases. A particular peace principle, or organization, or advocacy campaign, or nonviolent action, or act of civil disobedience may not lead directly to a cessation of conflict. However, to the extent that peace movement ideas and action draw people together in solidarity and commitment, shift power dynamics, and weaken the perpetrators of conflict, then movement towards a goal happens.

Some people – scholars, scientists, activists – believe the world is becoming a more peaceful place, at least in terms of interstate warfare. This idea is debated vigorously. If this is true, peace movements of the past 100 years and earlier certainly had a role to play.


At the end of this course, my hopes for you are that:

  • you have curiosity to learn more about the historical events examined;
  • you have learned that the underside of the history of war is the history of peace;
  • you have appreciation for the wide range of nonviolent approaches to conflict;
  • you have thought deeply about the topic of the research essay you completed; and
  • you have reflected critically about your own values and stances with regard to peace.
peace sign


Image References

DenPotisev/iStock/Getty Images


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