
Instructor’s Role

SLICCs Process Diagram

The following diagram illustrates your role as an instructor throughout the SLICCs process, as well as the student’s role.


As shown in the above diagram, the SLICCs process follows these steps:

  1. The instructor starts the process by providing Learning Outcomes to the student.
  2. The student creates and submits a proposal to the instructor.
  3. The instructor provides feedback on the proposal, to the student.
  4. The student makes any revisions if necessary.
  5. The instructor approves the proposal.
  6. The student starts the project.
  7. The student submits an interim reflective report to the instructor.
  8. The instructor provides feedback on the report to the student.
  9. The student makes any revisions if necessary.
  10. The instructor approves the report.
  11. The student enacts feedback.
  12. The student submits the final report and project deliverables to the instructor.
  13. The instructor provides a final evaluation to the student, which marks the end of the process.

Note that throughout the entire process, students complete weekly reflections, with supporting evidence, that link their proposal and reflective report, as well as their final report and project deliverables.

Use this Instructor SLICC Support Pack to guide you as you provide feedback to the proposal, interim and final reflective reports. As well, it contains assessment guidelines and examples of feedback. 

Check out this introduction video one of our SLICC instructors prepared for their students to help them navigate the course, workbook and expectations. 


What Next?

This page marks the final step in the SLICCs Toolkit. You may wish to return to the Instructors page to reconsider the steps as a whole, or you may wish to check out the Instructor Resources page, where there is a complete listing of all of the resources that were linked to in the steps of the toolkit.