Student Led Individually Created Courses (SLICCs)
What are SLICCs?
SLICCs are academic credit courses that allow students to co-create their own learning experiences, helping them become more effective self-directed and self-regulated learners. Students plan, propose, carry out, reflect on, and evaluate their learning experiences, such as research projects, work-integrated learning, civic engagement opportunities, and more!
SLICCs promote student ownership of their own learning goals and outcomes. This leads to deeper student engagement with the learning processes, supporting students as they identify and articulate their growth and development. SLICCs are amongst a growing body of self-directed and experiential learning models in post-secondary institutions, which have been linked to advancing individual learning and improving students' ability to self-assess. The SLICC framework promotes the creation of learning experiences that more closely align with the development of employability skills and graduate attributes, which help students better navigate the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) world.
This video provides an overview of SLICCs.
© Course Author(s) and University of Waterloo.
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