
SLICC Examples and Experiences

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"The flexibility and structured learning outcomes have been instrumental in my journey toward entrepreneurial success."


"It's very hands-on and free for us to explore how we think we should start a business, yet also structured enough if we get lost we have guidance."


"Working at your own pace."


"Implementing theoretical knowledge for a practical project."


"Being able to simultaneously pursue different goals and tie them back into the one project."


"It was very open-ended and I was able to take it in any direction I chose. I got a lot of personal growth out of the project."


"I chose my own path and own topic to explore – I was given a lot of freedom."

improved time management skills

“The project also helped me refine project management skills. We had a lot of work to do on short timelines. We were able to get it done by using excellent time management and delegation of work.”

Improved critical thinking

“I developed critical thinking skills and using professional judgement when synthesizing the literature review, statistics and environmental scan, reviewing classmates feedback and developing recommendations…” 

Gained a new perspective on feedback

“Students in the capstone course have provided meaningful feedback on the presentation and regarding our three main project components. Receiving feedback from my peers allowed me to become more comfortable with receiving criticism in terms of improving my approach. I think that this will benefit in the future in terms of collaboration within teams and stakeholders”.

Gained a new perspective on reflection

“This reflective process actually made me realize that one thing I would like to do is to pick 1-3 skills/core competencies to really focus on per year, and then seek out projects or work that aligns with these skills.”

Developed resilience

“The grit that it takes to … finish a program and… follow through with it is sometimes just as important as everything you learn during it (smiles). The fact that you can accomplish something so big. ..It's like running a marathon….It …provides you…the knowledge that you are resilient and that you can…get through hard things.”

Developed Skill articulation

“Like job interviews I've had, where … they're asking me about what I've worked on and usually … Capstone comes up, and I think it's because we reflected so often …it’s …fresh in my head as to what skills you're building and what we were working on.”  

“To continue exposing myself to opportunities to enhance my presentation skills beyond the capstone. I will be more willing to take initiative and present during meetings at work and in working groups that I ama part of. As well, I will take more initiate to work on projects at work that require creativity.” 

“To continue to build my self-awareness and reflective moments. I think this is when we learn the most about ourselves, and how we are around others or in certain situations. Having a keen sense of your emotional intelligence is an important factor when working in a multidisciplinary healthcare organization with many partners, stakeholders, and the public.’ 

This marks the end of the student toolkit. Feel free to toggle back through the previous pages, or move ahead to the Student Resource page, which compiles all of the resources included in this toolkit.
