An Overview of the Research Process
Step 1: Motivation
Step 2: Research question(s)
Step 3: Literature review
Step 4: Choose general orientation (Quantitative OR Qualitative)
- Quantitative (choose design)
- Experiments
- Surveys
- Structured interviews
- Questionnaires
- Structured observation
- Case studies
- Qualitative (choose design)
- Ethnography
- Participant observation
- Unstructured interviews
- Semi-structured interviews
- Life history
- Oral history
- Narrative analysis
- Focus groups
- Content analysis
- Ethnographic
- Semiotics
- Hermeneutics
- Conversation analysis
- Discourse analysis
Step 5: Ethics review
Step 6: Gather data
Step 7: Analyze data
Step 8: Findings
Step 9: Conclusions
- Conclusions for quantitative orientation
- Do the findings support the hypothesis?
- Implications for existing theories?
- New hypotheses, concepts, or theories gathered?
- Implications for further research?
- Conclusions for qualitative orientation
- Do the findings provide a new interpretation of a person, group, setting, event, or text?
- Implications for existing theories?
- New hypotheses, concepts, or theories generated?
- Implications for further research?
- Do the findings illustrate group processes or social conflict in a new way?