4B - Factors that limit health care

Functional Factor

The presence or absence of health care resources

Geographical Factor

The proximity of the resources to the population

Social Factor  

Ex. racism or sexism Financial Factor  people who probably cannot afford it

Spatial Analysis (Maps on pg. 85 & 86)

  • Map of Physicians per 10,000 people Africa has less than 5 per 10,000o Access to Safe Drinking Water

  • Certain parts of Africa has less than 40% of the population that gets safe water

  • Percentage of the Population with Access to Proper Sanitation

  • Africa, Bolivia, and India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan has less than 50%,

  • Percentage of the Population Undernourished Africa is the highest with more than 35%

  • Public Health Expenditures by Country

Africa has 0-100, gov’t isn’t spending enough or have no money to spend on public health.